National-Socialist doctors were the first to write a major scientific paper linking smoking to lung cancer. Following this report, smoking was banned in restaurants and public transportation systems. Advertising of smoking and cigarettes was severely regulated by the Nazis, and tobacco tax was raised to deter people from smoking. In what was one of the most expensive and effective anti-tobacco movements in history, numerous German health organizations began educating the public that risks of miscarriage were heightened when pregnant women engaged in smoking.
National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Ad: “He does not devour it, it devours him!”
In the year 1940, while annual cigarette consumption per capita in America was over 3,000, in Germany it was only 749.
Hitler prohibited the sale of cigarettes to women.
Hitler prohibited smoking for people under the age of 18.
Hitler prohibited smoking for people in uniforms.
Hitler prohibited smoking in public areas.
Hitler was the first to place “warning” photos of cancerous lungs on cigarette boxes.