Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Nigel Farage Resigns From UKIP

Nigel Farage has quit UKIP over the anti-Muslim policies of its leader, Gerard Batten, and the appointment of Tommy Robinson as UKIP special adviser on 'Muslim rape gangs.'

He's also unhappy about UKIP's involvement in a pro-Brexit protest march planned for central London next Sunday, 9 December, at which Gerard Batten and Tommy Robinson are due to speak.
Mr Batten, who survived a no confidence vote last weekend, gave “full credit” to Mr Farage for the part he played in winning the 2016 EU referendum for the leave side.

Writing on Twitter Gerard Batten said:

However, UKIP deputy leader, Mike Hookem, wasn't so complimentary. He branded Nigel Farage a "hypocrite” after the former leader quit the party, but failed to hand back his MEP’s seat.

Mike Hookem on Twitter

Speaking from Brussels, Mr Hookem slammed Farage saying:
“Nigel has made some catastrophic political decisions recently and he knows his star is fading fast among the membership and the public alike.

“However, what I really want to know is when Farage intends to resign his seat as an MEP? 

“In 2014, Nigel demanded all incoming UKIP MEPs sign a letter stating they would hand their seat back to the party if we were to leave. We all signed!

“Nigel even went as far as demanding Diane James hand back her seat on leaving the party in 2016! Therefore, he would be an utter hypocrite to keep his own seat on leaving the party, as have the others who have left!”
In an attempt to damage his former party, Farage claims that he “was met by several angry young men, red in the face and mildly abusive, who all seemed to be obsessed with Islam and Tommy Robinson,” while at this year’s UKIP conference in Birmingham. 

Slamming Farage’s comments as “fantasy” Mr Hookem said:
“Farage must have been at a different event to the one I attended. He made a speech and did not even hang around long enough to hear the new leader thank him for addressing the membership. 

“There were no angry young men at the conference dinner, and the mood was jovial and lighthearted! In my experience with Farage, he cannot handle not being at the centre of attention. Farage’s behaviour is the culmination of a 25-year, love-hate relationship he has shared with Gerard Batten.
“The fact that Gerard Batten has rescued UKIP from a financial disaster in part caused by Farage’s leadership; continued to build the party’s poll ratings, and increased membership must - in my opinion - cut deeply into Nigel’s vast sense of self-importance!

“In reality, Farage has made it plain since leaving the leadership role that he has nothing but contempt for the membership and those who voted UKIP. He has done little to nothing to help move the party forward in that time and even supported a leader who the majority of people could not wait to sack. 

“The loss of Nigel as a supporter will have an impact in sentimental terms, but in practical terms, he is no significant loss! 

“If anything, UKIP is now free of the shackles of the past and can build for the future.”

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