Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Gerard Batten Quotes George Orwell at Panodrama Event

UKIP leader, Gerard Batten's speech at the Panodrama event in Salford

UKIP leader, Gerard Batten, was one of the speakers at Tommy Robinson's Panodrama event in Salford last Saturday, 23 February.

He told demonstrators that Tommy Robinson has been targeted by the BBC and the entire mainstream media because he represents a “threat to the establishment.” He “speaks up for the things that are right, he tells the truth and he can mobilise lots of people like you, and that's what they fear."

Mr Batten continued this train of thought by quoting George Orwell, who said:

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

Addressing the crowd directly, Mr Batten said:

“You are now revolutionaries and all the people who vote UKIP up and down the country who believe similar things to what we do, basic, ordinary, sensible things, you are now revolutionaries because the world has been stood on its head and we are supposed to accept a diet of nonsense, absurdities and insanities every day because that is what is being dictated to us by our political and mainstream media establishment.”

He ended his speech by reminding those present that nothing will change until MPs find their seats are under threat.

Batten told those present, "You won't get anywhere unless you take votes away from the other parties, because that's the only thing that they take notice of and that they care about."

The best way to do that is to get involved politically by joining UKIP. 

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