Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sargon of Akkad Interviews Brexiteers Outside Parliament

The first interview is with three attractive young ladies. One of them thinks the EU's ultimate goal is to create a United States of Europe. Another one agrees with Diane Abbott that if there is another referendum, then the British public would again vote to leave the EU.

A man in a bowler hat thinks we should leave without a deal under WTO rules and that the disruption to trade would be very small, "They will never offer us a decent deal because they don't want us to leave." He makes the point that Britain has a 92 billion pound trade deficit with the EU and leaving without a deal will hit EU businesses hard, causing three quarters of a million unemployed in Germany.

An immigrant from Ghana who has lived in the UK for twenty years wants Britain to be great again; to be independent, to run our own affairs and to engage more with Commonwealth countries.

Gerard Batten, the leader of UKIP, is interviewed and says Parliament is full of traitors, quislings and collaborators who don't want Britain to leave. He says he has in his pocket a Royal petition, claiming that Parliament is thwarting the will of the people, which he is going to send to the Queen. The petition asks her to suspend Parliament until after the United Kingdom has left the European Union on 29 March 2019. He says Theresa May is either utterly and totally incompetent as a negotiator or she's the most cunning politician ever, implying everything she's done is part of an elaborate plan to make it impossible for us to leave the EU.

The last person interviewed is a German woman who has lived in Britain for the last 20 years. She is holding a Ben Garrison cartoon. Her main problem with the EU is that it's not democratic.

Image - youtube (click to enlarge)

The cartoon shows a sailing ship, representing the EU, heading over a waterfall, while behind it a lifeboat labelled Brexit escapes into the sunrise, a Union Jack for its sail. 

In the central section of the EU boat, two swarthy, bearded figures, one carrying a scimitar and one a bag of money, represent Muslims. The one with the scimitar is forcing a blond Aryan young man carrying a Swedish flag to walk the plank while the one with the money bag holds it excitedly. At the front of the boat another figure representing a Muslim attempts to grope the naked woman figurehead.

A cannon on the afterdeck labelled “Diversity” is firing a hole in the bottom of its own ship and a shark labelled “political correctness” is waiting to devour the figure representing Sweden when he is forced off the end of the plank. 

Merkel is shown at the top of the main mast calling for more immigration and a man representing Greece can be seen on the front deck vomiting. Greece has long been considered the Sick Man of Europe and should never have been part of the EU.

The cartoon can also be viewed on Ben Garrison's website.

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