Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Tommy Robinson Slams ISIS bride Shamima Begum

Shamima Begum was one of three teenage girls from Bethnal Green Academy in East London who travelled to war-torn Syria to support ISIS in February 2015. She is currently being held in a refugee camp in north eastern Syria. Her husband is a convicted terrorist who police believe was a member of a cell plotting an atrocity in Europe.

While her husband was out slaughtering innocent people in Syria, Begum aided and abetted him by keeping house for him. She cooked for him, cleaned for him, loved him and worshipped him. She didn't care about the victims of her husband's murderous brutality.

Begum gave birth to a baby boy on Saturday and wishes to return to the UK to raise him. Some politicians, like the Tory Jacob Rees-Mogg, think she should be allowed back into Britain and put on trial. However, the British justice system is not fit for purpose and it's likely that any sentence she might be given would be derisory, especially now she has a baby to support. 

Begum has named her child after an Islamic warlord. Her chosen name for her son, Jerah, is thought to be in honour of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah, who commanded a section of the Rashidun Army in the 7th century. He is famed for slaughtering infidels.

Tommy Robinson makes the point that with a baby to support she would jump to the top of the housing queue while thousands of homeless ex-servicemen who risked their lives for this country are living rough on the streets.

Begum has shown no remorse for her actions, remains a committed Jihadist and is totally unsuitable to be allowed back into Britain. She only wants to come back because ISIS has been defeated.

Better that Begum is left to rot in a Syrian refugee camp.

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