Saturday, April 6, 2019

Newport West Parliamentary Election Result

Labour’s Ruth Jones has won the Newport West by-election, retaining the party's seat held by veteran MP Paul Flynn until his death earlier this year. Newport West has been held by Labour since 1987, when Paul Flynn won the seat from the Conservatives.

The official turnout was 37.1 per cent with 23,615 votes cast, significantly down on the 2017 General Election when 67.6 per cent of the electorate turned out.

Mrs Jones took 9,308 votes, giving her a majority of 1,951 over the Tories, with Ukip in third place.

Image - Wikipedia

Ukip's Neil Hamilton sought a return to the Commons more than two decades after being ousted as a Conservative MP in the 1997 general election following his involvement in the cash-for-questions scandal.

Neil Hamilton, who is leader of UKIP in Wales, took 2,023 votes (8.6%), well up on the party's showing in 2017 when UKIP achieved only 2.5%. By contrast, the Labour vote dropped by 12.7% and the Tory vote dropped by 8.0%.

According to Guido Fawkes, a notoriuosly pro-Conservative blogger:
UKIP outperformed expectations suggesting that the party’s turn to the hard right hasn’t cut through to the electorate, or that its voter base simply hasn’t been put off and prioritised sending a signal about Brexit over any other concerns. This should worry both main parties…
Newport West voted to leave the EU by a margin of 56 per cent to 44 per cent in the 2016 in-out referendum.

Conservative candidate Matthew Evans said he had "never seen such anger and frustration" on the doorstep as what he encountered over Brexit.

"People just want clarity and I've seen no appetite for another referendum or a general election," he said.

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