Sunday, April 7, 2019

UKIP standing over 1400 Candidates in Local Elections

Image - Gerard Batten on Twitter
UKIP Reports: 

The UK Independence Party announced today that it is standing a minimum of 1415 candidates at this year's local elections on May 2. The figure is almost a three-fold increase on UKIP's 540 candidates at the 2018 local elections.

UKIP Leader Gerard Batten said,

"The next opportunity for the British people to punish the political establishment for their Brexit betrayal will be at the English and Northern Irish local elections on May 2.

"I have worked hard with our team to get UKIP candidates on ballot papers, and I am pleased to announce that we have almost trebled our candidate count. Over the past few months, I have called on our members to stand as candidates, and even my Personal Assistant and my Press Officer are standing.

"In 2018 I became the Leader of a political party which was on the brink of collapse. Over the past year, we have worked tirelessly to raise membership, funds, re-establish branches and repair and improve our campaigning machinery. In this time, party membership has risen from a low of 17,000 to just over 28,000, and it continues to increase.

"UKIP achieved 8.6% in the Newport West by-election, more than tripling our 2018 figure of 2.5% and this significant increase in local elections candidates is another clear signal that UKIP is back and getting stronger by the day.

"The fightback continues on May 2 - vote UKIP to frighten the political establishment and make Brexit happen!"

Below - UKIP Leader Gerard Batten FLATTENS LBC Presenter Matt Frei on Brexit, European elections, Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson. 

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