From The British Independent No 2, 1966.
The children in the pictures above are typical of their respective races. One is English (Caucasoid) the other Nigerian (Negroid). We believe they have a right to remain as God created them. We wish to see the different races of mankind preserved in all their infinite variety and beauty. The need for racial preservation can best be illustrated by the fact that one cannot un-mongrelise a mongrelised race. That was why the R.P.S. was formed.
The multi-racialists however, wish to see the races of mankind lose their identity forever.
There are Preservation Societies for all manner of things. From Societies for the preservation of veteran motor cars to ones for the preservation of rural countryside. Societies for the preservation of flora and fauna, for downlands and old railway engines. There are even Societies for the preservation of old canal barges. They are all allowed to exist, and indeed the politicians look upon them more or less with benign approval, but mention to them a Society for the preservation of different kinds of peoples and what is their reaction? The politicians and mass media let up a howl of hysterical indignation and rage which can be heard from Aberdeen to Aberystwyth. You may wonder why.
Supporters rendezvous for distribution of British Independent at Wellington, Shropshire