Saturday, July 6, 2019

Tommy Robinson Stitched Up at the Old Bailey

Tommy Robinson faces going back to jail after being found in contempt of court by judges at the Old Bailey. In a retrial, he has again been found guilty of the original offence of filming defendants in a criminal trial, and broadcasting the footage on social media, while reporting restrictions were in place.

The charges relate to Muslim gang rape paedophiles who were on their way into court to be sentenced in May 2018. Unbelievably, he has also been found guilty of causing the Muslim gang rapists anxiety, after he asked them how they felt about the verdict.

Robinson was initially jailed for 13 months at Leeds Crown Court in May 2018 but was then freed on appeal in August. In prison, he spent two months in solitary confinement after his life was threatened.

The decision to bring him back to court is politically motivated. They know that if he is sent back to prison his life will be threatened again, and he could end up being murdered.

He is expected to be sentenced on July 11.

Below - Tommy Robinson talks to RT after being found guilty of contempt of court. 

Below - Gerard Batten is interviewed by "Public Occurrences Media" outside the Old Bailey.

In the interview, Gerard Batten says if he is re-elected as UKIP leader he will no longer talk to the mainstream media.

"There is absolutely no point in me or any other UKIP leader talking to the mainstream media. They have their own political agenda. If you don't conform to their agenda they will destroy you and they will attack you every time you go on there. They are not interested in what you have got to say, they are not interested in what you stand for. They are not interested in the public being informed and making their own minds up, so there's no point in talking to them, and I won't be doing that. 

"What I will do is try to develop avenues on the alternative media, on social media and on other platforms, whereby the message can be got out to ordinary people. I don't know if that's going to work or not, but what I do know is playing the mainstream media game will not work."

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