Monday, December 10, 2018

UKIP's Brexit Betrayal March was a Huge Success

Sunday's "Brexit means Exit" rally in London, which has mostly been ignored by the mainstream media, passed off peacefully with no reports of any violence. Unable to find anything negative to print, the mainstream media decided to falsify the number of attendees. Estimates from those who took part in the march put the number attending at 15,000-20,000, the media are claiming it was 2000-3000. 

As can be seen in the pictures below, the rally was led by elderly UKIP members on mobility scooters. Some people had brought their dogs and there were parents wheeling their children in pushchairs. It was as the organisers intended it to be, a family day out. 

The march had been condemned previously by Nigel Farage, UKIP’s two-time leader and defining figure, who said on his LBC radio show: “If this march goes ahead with Gerard Batten as the leader of UKIP, then UKIP becomes the new BNP.”  It can now be seen how wrong he was.
Image - Youtube (click to enlarge)

Image - Youtube (click to enlarge)

Image - Youtube (click to enlarge)

The march ended with a rally in Whitehall where a temporary stage had been erected. The speakers included UKIP leader Gerard Batten; Tommy Robinson; Alan Craig, UKIP's children and families spokesman; Neil Hamilton, the UKIP leader in Wales; UKIP MEP, Stuart Agnew; Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad); Lord Pearson; UKIP immigration spokesman, Paul Oakley and speakers from Northern Ireland and Czechoslovakia. The event ended with a rendition of the National Anthem, led by a young female singer.

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