Friday, April 26, 2019

Mosley's Old Bentley - 90 Years Old And Still Going Strong

Mosley in his Bentley at an East London Blackshirt Rally, June 7th 1936

Mosley's car, which he used extensively in the 1930s to drive to British Union meetings and marches, was a 1929 Bentley 4½ Litre with Registration No. GU 2511. Mosley bought the car new in March 1929.

According to Michael Hay (in his book Bentley: The Vintage Years, 1997) Mosley's car was involved in an accident in May 1931, following which it required a new chassis and new axle. At that time Mosley was a member of The New Party which he had founded two months earlier.

The car at the East London Blackshirt Rally on June 7th 1936

In an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Sir Oswald Mosley whilst he was visiting Hull for a major public meeting in July 1936, the car was "wounded" by a bullet which penetrated a rear door window. 

It was "wounded" again when a projectile was thrown at the front windscreen when Mosley arrived at a Blackshirt Rally in Royal Mint Street, London on October 4th 1936.

Royal Mint Street, London, October 4th 1936 (Image - Blackshirt)

The car was retired from B.U.F. duties at the Blackshirt camp, Selsey in 1937 when Mosley was presented with a new MG by members of British Union.

Mosley arrives in the Bentley at the Blackshirt camp Selsey, August 1st 1937
(Image - Blackshirts On-Sea)

The new MG car was bought with the proceeds of a collection from B.U.F. members. It was presented by South Coast Inspector Peter Symes who wished him "thousands of miles of mechanically trouble-free motoring." Mosley was so deeply touched that for the first and last time in his life he found difficulty in finding the words to express his thanks.

Mosley leaving the 1937 Selsey Blackshirt Camp in his new MG.
He is being driven by Peter Symes (Image - Blackshirts On-Sea)

After Mosley received his new MG in 1937 there is no record of the Bentley until 1989 when it took part in the 1989 Shell Rally at Cannes on the French Riviera. At that time it was owned by a Mr. Michael Lester who lived in Gloucestershire.

What happened to the car between 1937 and 1989 is open to speculation. One possibility is that Sir Oswald kept the car stored somewhere until his death in 1980, after which it was sold by his family. The new owner must have had the car fully restored for it to have taken part in the 1989 Shell Rally.

In 1996 the car was shown in the documentary "Festival of Transport." See Internet Movie Cars Database.

In 2002 and 2006 the car took part in the International Klausenrennen Rally in Switzerland, which takes place at the Klausenpass in the Swiss Alps.

From 2008 onwards the car seems to have been a regular participant in the Carovana Romantica International Vintage and Classic Cars Rally. The event, which takes place in Italy every year, is popular with British classic car owners.

Carovana Romantica Rally, 2011 - (image youtube)

Carovana Romantica Rally, 2011 - (image youtube)

According to Wikipedia, Bentley 4½ litre automobiles from this pre-war period now sell for around £850,000.

Further reading: Bentley Owners Club

Blackshirts On-Sea, Brockingday Publications, London, 1999

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